Friday, April 29, 2011

Book #19: The Help

Wow. Just wow. Powerful storytelling with such deep characterization, I was stunned to learn this was Kathryn Stockett's debut novel. Wonderful and brilliant and engaging, a story that opens up your eyes and makes you see things you knew were there, but maybe didn't want to admit to yourself.

What's even better is that this will soon be a movie, starring Viola Davis who just so happens to be an alumni of my alma mater. So there.

Monday, April 25, 2011


after dinner snack
I'll have to get creative
the fridge is empty

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Book #18: The Lover's Dictionary

Upon first inspection, I really did think this was a dictionary of lovers' terminology and almost didn't give it the chance it deserved. Then I discovered the author, who has written several other books that I absolutely adored and decided to give it a shot. Surprise! It is, in fact, not a dictionary, but a story told through alphabetical entries. The concept is unique and it amazed me that a full tale could be told with such few words. David Levithan does not disappoint in this novel and has created a heart wrenching story of a couple in love.
And it's just lovely.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Book #17: Matched

Add yet another YA dystopian novel to my shelf. This one takes place in a government controlled society that matches couples together based on data and genetics at the tender young age of 17. This story has elements from just about every other dystopian novel I have read, yet I found myself pleasantly amused and connecting with the characters. I had the pleasure of meeting this author just two days ago and collecting a signed copy for our personal library, and will eagerly anticipate it's sequel...   

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Book #16: Incarceron

So much confusing imagery in here, couldn't quite paint a mental picture for me. Once again, we enter a dystopian future where this perfect prison was built, and then the prison became too smart and took over, a la HAL. I wasn't quite so gripped by the storytelling, although the plot and characters left me wanting to learn a bit more about them. It was kinda good, but not phenomenal. Worth the time to read though...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

reaching a milestone

be free on that bike
so what about cuts and scrapes?
that smile says it all

Friday, April 8, 2011

Book #15: Bruiser

Beautiful. This book dives into the selfishness of humanity that even the most selfless person at times cannot deny. Powerful and poignant.

I can't say anymore about it because it would be a spoiler and I don't want to deny anyone the enjoyment of reading this novel.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

just cuz I'm asian...

in Japanese store
man comes up and asks for help
"I do not work here"

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Benedryl sux!

Dear Zyrtec, you rock.
no sneezing, no misery,
no zombie moving

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Book #14: A Wrinkle in Time

Yes. I really did just read this book. I know, I'm a librarian and all... a children's librarian at that, but somehow this one escaped. I read this together with my 8-yr-old and we both found it equally enchanting. I'm still a bit perplexed by the whole 'traveling' bit, but all in all I'd say it was not too shabby. Not my all time favorite, but a good book indeed.